Locked at home ? The mind remains agile

Lockdown could slow down all our neural systems considerably. But it is without initiatives of some companies in the museum sector, including Mazedia, have taken. This is thanks to the impulse of Audiovisit, well known to specialists in narration and artistic purpose.

From the 9th of April to the 9th of June, and if you are a museum professional, artist, comedian, student or simply an art lover, you can comment on the piece of art of your choice : selfie mode, and post the video on the website : www.jaimecetteoeuvre.art

  1. Choose a piece of art by an artist who died before 1950
  2. Film your speech for 2 or 3 minutes in selfie mode on your mobile phone
  3. Register for the contest
  4. Post the video on the website
  5. Audiovisit makes a nice capsule video with the image of the work and your speech