Réalité augmentée collective

After a wave of individual augmented reality programmes, exhibition sites are looking for a collective experience that really involves the visitor and puts them in interaction with a real and virtual environment. The CARISM project initiated by Mazedia at the end of 2019 will allow completely new experiences, involving visitors more strongly, individually and in groups. Situational analysis…

The limits of group interactivity currently concerned the capture of movement, which is possible for an individual who is relatively well isolated from the other participants and must never be obscured by an object or a form. It was therefore necessary to start the problem from scratch with a multi-stage work :

An interactive scenario that leaves room for spontaneity: We use programmes designed in collaboration with IMT Atlantique, which are based on scientific studies of human behaviour in this type of situation

New potentialities of capture in three dimensions were the object of a work of almost one year by the laboratories of the Ecole Centrale de Nantes for this project. Several participants are present in the scene at the same time and we can separate their captured movements. It is quite spectacular for its precision. A previous experience in 2018 at the Ocearium du Croisic featured a shark and penguins in front of children. No direct interactivity but a feeling of immersion appreciated by young audiences.

To follow then…